“Interrupt” Journal

imagesThe term “interrupt” can have many different meanings.

Interrupt also is the title of a new online journal at UC Irvine, published through the campus Center for Excellence in Writing and Communication, featuring innovative undergraduate non-fiction writing. As Interrput‘s inaugural editorial statement puts it:

“According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, “interrupt” is defined as to “do or say something that causes someone to stop speaking; to cause [something] to not be even or continuous; and to change or stop the sameness or smoothness of [something].” These definitions made us cognizant of the fact that “interrupt” can engender a variety of negative connotations: it was, in fact, this realization that initially resulted in disagreement about the name of the publication.

“Originally entitled “The Word Count,” the journal’s name was changed in response to a felt need for a unifying principle that would set this journal apart from other UC Irvine publications, thus allowing for the emergence of a unique literary identity. It was decided that “Interrupt,” both as a title and concept, would contribute to this sense of innovativeness.

“Although the word “interrupt” can sound somewhat jarring, the name was selected because though “The Word Count” was a good title, it didn’t differentiate itself enough from the classroom setting. One of our goals as editors was to create a new context for academic writing and, as such, it was only appropriate to remove expressions like the “word count,” which alludes to the classroom setting. “Interrupt,” on the other hand, evokes a rebellious and iconoclastic attitude, which reflects our desire to attract thinkers who can contribute original ideas whose scope lies outside the classroom.

“Interrupt Journal strives to recognize exemplary work in undergraduate writing, while also providing a forum for interdisciplinary engagement. To this end, the Journal hopes to foster the critical thinking and leadership skills that can contribute to the development of an intellectual community within the student body.

“In perusing the Journal’s inaugural issue, we hope that our readers, whether student or professor, find these essays to be stimulating pieces of scholarship that “interrupt” dominant modes of discourse.”


See: http://writing.uci.edu/interrupt/

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